Before & After Care
Prep your pet for surgery
Please refrain from feeding your pet at least 12 hours prior to surgery. You may offer your pet water the morning of surgery. This helps prevent complications during their Spay or Neuter Surgery.
Giving your dog a bath the day before surgery is highly recommended. Your dog will not be able to bathe for approximately 10 days after surgery. This will also help keep the surgical site clean from potential infection.
Taking your dog for a long walk the day before surgery may help relieve some anxiety.
If your pet has any medical concerns, please be sure to advise the surgeon prior to your appointment
Have an area at home ready for your pet. This should be a clean, quiet place for recovery
Drop off is between 8-9 a.m.
Pick-up is between 4-5 p.m.
After Care Instructions
After surgery, your pet may feel sleepy and dazed. Provide your pet a clean, quiet place to rest for the night.
Anesthesia may cause your pet to feel nauseous. If they refuse to eat, do not worry. Offer your pet 1/3 of their normal portion. If they accept this and are able to keep this food down for at least 20 minutes, you may offer them the other 2/3.
There is no need for suture or stitch removal. Your pet’s surgery site will be closed with sutures buried under the skin.
Your pet may want to resume life as normal the day after surgery. FOR DOGS: Limit your pet’s activity for the next 7 days for proper healing. Prevent your pet from rough play activities, water activities (such as beach time), and off leash activities like dog park visits and running.
FOR CATS: Keep rough play to a minimum and try to avoid cat fights. If your pet is outdoors, you may want to consider keeping your pet in a secluded area for the first 4 days after surgery. Some people prep the bathroom area for their pet cats during the healing process.
Allow you pet to potty as normal. If your pet lives indoors and uses the restroom outside, be sure to take them to a clean grassy area. FOR CATS: It is highly recommended to provide your pet with a litter box containing shredded paper or pelleted litter for the next 7 days. You may also use a larger grade clay litter and change frequently. This prevents your pet from getting anything in the surgery site that may be cause for infection.
The use of an “E collar” or “cone” may not be necessary for your pet. In most cases, your pet may not bother the surgery site at all. Keep a close eye on your pet. If your pet agitates the surgery site by constantly licking the area or chewing on the incision, your pet may need to use a cone to avoid irritation or infection.
Watch for signs and side effects. If your pet refuses to eat for more than 2 days, or if you notice severe lethargy Please be sure to contact your vet. A small amount of swelling and pink coloration is normal. If you notice that the surgery site is severely swollen accompanied by redness or discharge, you may want to schedule an appointment to see your vet.
KHS does not offer regular vet care services. We are happy to assist in any way we can although you may be advised to visit or contact your regular care veterinarian.